Lotería de Bali Game Night: Editions 1-4

These have been such fun nights! From Lacalita in Canggu, Biku in Seminyak, at Rüsters in Ubud and Taqisa in Sanur, we’ve been on a game night road trip around this island of ours.

Watching everyone playing being shy and hesitant at first and then quickly getting the hang of it and letting their competitive side out to play has been a pleasure! And of course, then trying to remember to shout Lotería! instead of Bingo! to clinch the win.



Loteríaaaaaaaaa 〰️

This video was taken at Lacalita in Canggu and sums up a lovely night in 60 seconds.

Thank you to all who came and played with us! Especially to our amazing hosts and the incredible ‘singer’ Ivor Condric for his guest spots!